About Appleford Homes

At Appleford Homes Limited, we ensure that our staff are experienced in care, and well-trained. All our Care Assistants must pass their annual mandatory Care Certificate training, plus many other courses including Dementia, GDPR, LGBT+ Care, Catheter Care, and Dysphagia. Many of our staff hold further qualifications including NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care. We request for an enhanced DBS background check. We are reliable and committed, kind, respectful, compassionate, caring, supportive
enthusiastic and willing to go the extra mile.

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Quality & Safety

We are committed to delivering the highest level of service to keep you safe and happy in the home that you love. That is why we are registered by the CQC who monitors, inspects, and regulates care services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety.

Support worker with a patient

Solution Within Minutes

We have the very latest systems in place so that if a Support Worker is unwell or running late, we are alerted in plenty of time to be able to organize a solution and inform you within minutes.

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We Can Guarantee You That We Will Stand By You

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